It IS Enough


“That’s all there is and there ain’t no more,” goes the saying.  The last gasp of fireworks, the final dip in the lake before the orange ember sun itself finally dips into the water.  “That’s all there is.”  I am six years old and we are driving away from Grandpa’s funeral. I  keep looking at the door to the church through the car’s back window.

I’m a little older now, maybe 9, and my Dad is playing basketball with me and the world is so right.  He hasn’t yelled all day, hasn’t spewed frustration and together we shoot at the orange rim – occasionally hearing the ball rip”through the tattered net.  Then, suddenly, the veil drops and something has made him angry.  Maybe me, I think. But what could it have been?  What did I do?  Later – much, much later I realize it is in him.  One of his old demons.  He has held the anger in for the better part of a whole day. Now it’s back and my day is over.  Is that all there is?

A birthday comes.  My birthday. And as it unfolds, intending to pass before my very eyes, so do so many goals and dreams.  Let’s say it is one of those decade making birthdays.  All different.  All the same. Is that all there is?

I imagine God, from the highest heaven to the deepest point on the new green earth – looking out over the mist filled morning of the sixth day.  The Creator of a hundred million galaxies looks down at this blue/green earth ball.  What does God say?  “Is that all there is?”  “Well, I guess it’s enough for one week.”?  No! God looks out and says, “It’s good.”   “It is enough.”  Enough for God – enough for me.

Looking through the years, without rose-colored glasses or the gloom of self-induced pity, it has always been more than enough.  Much more.  Much, much more.

Usually not all I wanted.  Always more than I could have imagined. Children who live and breathe with the genes and dreams of their ancestors.  Who lavish love on you and who sometimes lash out because – well because in close proximity to those you love the most, you tend to let your hair down the farthest ... 

A wife who, beyond all reasoning, is more than you could have hoped.  Through thick and thin.  Lots of both.  Whose outer beauty takes your breath away.  Whose inner beauty not only gives it back, but makes you want to keep breathing ...

It is the first day of the weekend – early – and I am sitting about 6,500 miles from where I sat just one Saturday ago.  Last week mission work in Brazil. This week northern Michigan church camp. The sky is gray as far, and I suspect farther, than the eye can see. The day holds a van trip of 450 miles with a load of 7 tired Middle Schoolers, on their way home.

“Is that all there is?”  A look out over the gray water under the gray sky reveals waves moving effortlessly from right to left.  A single bird wings slowly out of the gray, past the treetops and out of sight.  A few of last night’s raindrops hang stubbornly on the deck, refracting the dim light from within the cabin – since there is none outside.

The day is new and has never been touched by my, or any, hands.  I step on to the deck and look out at the world.  What will I say?  “Is that all there is?”  “Well, I guess it’s enough for one week.”?  To the single chipmunk who is moving in the moist earth below me I say out loud, “It is good!”  It’s enough. 

Enough for God – enough for me.

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